Proceeds from the book sale will support programs for our community.
The Friends of Maud Marks Library (FOMML) will be holding our next monthly used book sale at the library, 1815 Westgreen Boulevard, Katy, Texas 77450 on Saturday, March 29, 2025, from 10 a.m. until 4 p.m. Presale viewing and sales (cash or check only) will be available to members of FOMML on Friday, March 28, from 4 p.m. until 5:30 p.m. Annual memberships can be purchased at the door for $10.
This month there is a good selection of sewing and quilting books.
The following items are available for purchase at the book sale: flash drives ($5), book bags ($3), and ear buds ($2).
All funds earned from the sale are used to support library programs offered to the community, such as the Senior Bus Trips and the Summer Reading Program.
Books (adult or children’s, fiction, nonfiction, reference, foreign language, etc.) that you would like to donate to the sale are now welcomed. Please deposit them, during library hours, in the bins inside the entrance.
We hope that you will attend the sale and we thank you for your support.
2025 Book Sale Dates
January 25
February 22
March 29
April 26
May 31
June 28
July 26
August 23
September 27
October 25
December 6